Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Community Service-Learning | Housing

Community-Service Learning 

Want to make a difference in your local, national, and global community? Take advantage of the awesome opportunities, events, and programs through Community Service-Learning (CSL). The mission of CSL is to “prepare the JMU community to be educated and enlightened citizens committed to positive social change by providing reflective experiential opportunities with diverse community partners”. So, what does that mean, exactly? Service-learning is different than community service and is an excellent way to apply what you’re learning in the classroom to what’s happening outside the classroom. Let’s take a look at a few of the ways in which you can learn, serve, and engage within the Harrisonburg community and beyond.

Alternative Break Program

The Alternative Break Program (ABP) facilitates and supports student-led groups to participate in short-term service trips to locations through the United States and abroad. Although the majority of these trips fall over Spring Break, trips are offered during every JMU academic break. If an extended traveling experience isn’t ideal for you, CSL also coordinates Alternative Weekend Break trips. To learn more about the ABP options and to sign up, check out the ABP website.

Community Service Placements 

If you’d like to make a commitment to a semester- or year-long opportunity to serve in the local Harrisonburg community, this is your chance! CSL has identified a variety of local community agencies in need and categorized them into areas: Aging and Health Services, Community Wellness and Environmental, Disability Services, Early and Elementary Education, Environmental Stewardship, Exceptional Education, Hunger and Housing, and Youth Education and Services.


Tuesday Tips: Where will you live next year?

Even though it seems like the year just started, it’s time to start planning for the 2015-2016 school year. 

1. If you are interested in living on campus next year, submit a Housing Application! Housing Applications go live on Monday, October 6 at 1:15 pm. By submitting a Housing Application, you are letting the Office of Residence Life know you are interested in living on campus next year, and you can be made a Housing Contract offer by our office. If you choose to sign a Housing Contract, you will be able to pick your room and your suitemates/roommates in the spring! Plus, there’s no security deposit to pay!

2. Check Out The Apartments on Grace Street. Our brand new apartment style building is a great option for students who want to experience apartment living with all the benefits of living on campus. Each apartment comes with a kitchen, fully furnished living room and bedroom(s), and either 1 or 2 bathrooms. Plus, all units are wifi and cable ready, and all utilities are included in your room rent! . Read more here: http://www.jmu.edu/orl/our-residence-halls/apartments-on-grace-street.shtml

3. Don't Rush Into a Lease. If you are unsure of where you want to live or if you are unsure of where to start contact Off Campus Life. OCL can answer your questions about all the housing options in Harrisonburg. 

4. Check out the Off-Campus Housing Fair taking place on October 6 from 11a-2pm in the Festival, Lower level to ask questions and learn about all the off-campus housing options in Harrisonburg. 

Friday, September 26, 2014

Career Fair | Registration Prep

Career & Internship Fair

It’s never too early to attend a career fair and start networking! Mark your calendars to drop by during part of the two-day Fall Career & Internship Fair on Monday, September 29 and Tuesday, September 30 from 11 - 3 p.m. in the Festival Ballroom. Checkout more information on the Fall Career & Internship Fair website. Checkout this video to learn more about career fairs at JMU:

Prepare for Registration

Based on previous years, I anticipate that registration for most freshman will begin around November 5. That’s a ways off! Between now and then, though, you need to do some things to make that go as smooth as possible. In the next two weeks, make sure you do the following if you haven’t already:

Clear MyMadison Holds

Login to MyMadison and enter the Student Center. If you see "No Enrollment Activity” or “Withhold all services,” you will not be able to register for spring semester courses until you take care of the hold. Click "details" and then "No Enrollment Activity" to learn who has placed the hold on you and how you contact them to learn what you need to do to get the hold lifted. Some of you may have more than one hold. For example, if you did not complete your Health Record Form and return it to the University Health Center, you will have a hold on your account, restricting you from registering for spring semester courses.

Submit Previously Earned Credit

In order to determine what courses to take for next semester, it’s important to have the most up-to-date information regarding what credit you’ve already received. Review previous blog posts, to learn if JMU has your AP, CIE, IB, and  dual enrollment credit and if not, how to submit it to JMU.

Identify Your Foreign Language Placement

If you’re interested in continuing with the language(s) you took in high school, you must take the corresponding Foreign Language Placement exam online; then, check out what your score means. If you’ve already taken the test, you can find your Foreign Language Placement Score on e-campus. In the drop-down menu, select View Test Scores.If you want to continue in a language that there is not an online placement test for, then you need to talk to the head professor in that language as listed on the Modern Foreign Language Department’s webpage. If you have studied another language you believe should count as a foreign language, you will need to speak to the Department head, Dr. Fazzion. Learn more at  the Modern Foreign Language Department’s Placement Exam website.

Schedule Meeting with Your Advisor!

As outlined in your advising syllabus, beginning the week of October 6 meetings will begin to plan for  what courses you should/can enroll in for spring semester. Please email me your availability for the week you are scheduled to meet based on your last name!

Honor Code Test

To complete the Honor Code Test by October 1, visit the Honor Code Test and Information website, take Part 1 and 2 of the Tutorial, and complete the Honor Code Test.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Living Well

5 Tips to Deal with Homesickness

Excerpt taken from this article, written by a student for other students….

1. Stay busy: Getting involved in activities that interest you will help in a couple of ways. First, you’ll be so busy that you’ll barely have time to miss home! Second, getting involved helps to form new circles of friends. The people I met last year in my sorority and through [another student organization] became my “family” while I was away from home, and were a great support system for me.
2. Don’t go home at every chance you get: Because I was only 45 minutes away from home and had my car at school, it was tempting to want to run home whenever I got lonely or missed my little brother, but sticking it out is really the best way to get over homesickness. The more you can be at school making new connections, the faster the homesickness will ebb away.
3. Communicate with family and friends—often: Just because you’re going to school away from home doesn’t mean you have to miss out on what’s going on with your loved ones. A quick text to my best friend when something reminds me of her, Facebook messages with my brother, and Skype sessions with my grandparents are easy ways to stay in touch.
4. Use snail mail: Parents and family members love getting mail from you as much as you love getting it from them! Send pictures, greeting cards, or small gifts home whenever possible. (And remind your family, it doesn’t hurt to get a care package from them, too, every now and then!)
5. Realize you’re not alone: Ask around; you’ll find that plenty of others are experiencing homesickness, too. Chances are they’ll have even more suggestions for how to cope with it. Homesickness hurts, but it does get better with time.

Counseling Center

Student Success Center, 3rd floor | M-F 8-5 | (540) 568-6552
In your transition to JMU, you may find adapting to the social and academic pressures of college life to be overwhelming. Although the new experiences and greater independence in your move away from home may be exciting at times, this transition can also be challenging and stressful. If you’re feeling this way, you may want to consider the benefits of counseling.

Each year, the Counseling Center provides personal counseling to over 1,000 undergraduate and graduate students at JMU. The Center is staffed by a psychiatrist, psychologists, counselors, social workers and graduate students, and the services rendered to students are free, voluntary, and confidential. Their new space in the Student Success Center includes a relaxation area with massage chairs, Francis, the therapy dog, and a creative arts area to play and de-stress.

Friday, September 19, 2014

Resource Center | Study Abroad Plan

Spotlight on Exploring Resources

CAP Resource Center

Visit the Resource Center on the third floor of the Student Success Center (just down the hall from where you check-in to meet with me for meetings) to explore majors and careers! Career Educators, trained peer assistants, are available to help you. Drop by Career & Academic Planning anytime Monday - Friday between 8am - 5pm, or by calling 540-568-6555. 

Plan for Studying Abroad

As posted on Tuesday, the Study Abroad Fair is on Wednesday, September 24 from 11 am - 3 pm in the Festival Ballroom. While you may not be planning to study abroad until sometime close to your Junior year, it’s important to plan for the academic coursework you’ll take while abroad. For example, the study abroad trip you want to take may have courses that will count for Cluster 2 in General Education. Therefore, you will want to plan to wait on taking your Cluster 2 courses until you study abroad. Study abroad course offerings vary by program and can be found on the Office of International Programs website.

If you cannot make it to the Study Abroad Fair, attend a General Information Session about studying abroad. Times and locations vary:
  • September 2 – Taylor 404 - 4:00 p.m.
  • September 3 - Taylor 405 - 3:00 p.m.
  • September 9 - Taylor 404 - 4:00 p.m.
  • September 16 - Taylor 404 - 4:00 p.m.
  • September 17 - Taylor 405 - 3:00 p.m.
  • September 30 - Taylor 404 - 4:00 p.m.
  • October 1 - Taylor 404 - 3:00 p.m.
  • October 7 - Taylor 404 - 4:00 p.m.
  • October 8 - Taylor 405 - 3:00 p.m.
  • October 14 - Taylor 404 - 4:00 p.m.
  • October 15 - Taylor 405 - 3:00 p.m.
  • October 21 - Taylor 404 - 4:00 p.m.
  • October 22 - Taylor 405 - 3:00 p.m.
  • October 28 - Taylor 404 - 4:00 p.m.
  • October 29 - Taylor 405 - 3:00 p.m.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Make the Most of Your Madison Experience

Your Madison Experience, Now

For many of you, this next week is your first week having exams or large assignments due, so this can be a stressful time. As it’s been addressed in this blog, maintaining balance is important to keep at the forefront of your mind.  Academics come first (!), but it should not come so far in front that you pull an “all-nighter.”  Sleep and mental breaks are an important part of maintaining your physical and emotional health. This next week provides some great community engagement opportunities to take a break:

International Week
This year, the Office of International Programs International Week will take place from September 22 – 26 and the theme this year is "One World, Many Stories".  Opening festivities will take place on Monday, September 22 from 11 am – 3 pm with an international bazaar on The Commons.  You can enjoy various street vendors, a sampling of food, and other activities.  The international events throughout the week will include a debate event, a musical concert featuring JMU musicians, a study abroad fair, a photo contest, and a world cup soccer tournament.  See a full calendar of events online.

Your Future Madison Experience

Study Abroad Fair

Interested in going abroad?  Attend the Study Abroad Fair on Wednesday, September 24 from 11 am – 3 pm in the Festival Ballroom to learn about different study abroad programs, international internships, and scholarships available to you. The JMU list of programs goes on to include over 65 different programs in 30 different countries. JMU semester, short-term and graduate program directors and representatives will be available to share their experience and to answer your questions. In addition, you will also have the opportunity to speak and learn about programs from other universities and providers. The short-term program application deadline is November 1, 2014.

Also, check out these 10 stories that prove study abroad changes you in the  best possible way.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Exploration Resources | Studying

Spotlight on Exploring Resources

This is the first in a series to spotlight resources and events that can help you explore your major and career possibilities.

Your Undeclared Advisor!

Already, students have begun utilizing their advisor to help figure out what to do for a major or career! During the meeting, it’s a very individualized exploration about yourself, academic and career resources, and how to make decisions knowing these things. Schedule your first appointment today by emailing your advisor your availability for the next 4-5 business days.


As I know you’re learning, there’s a lot of work for classes in college. If you need some help on how to study effectively or time manage, utilize Learning Strategies Instruction or Academic Support Instruction for an individual appointment. If English is your second or third language, you may also want to visit English Language Learner Services for support with reading the dense amount of English assigned to you. Below, I’m briefly discussing how study spaces and time management can help you study better.

Time Management

This sounds a lot easier than it is. Utilizing your time effectively is challenging, because you have competing goals that demand your time. Checkout Learning Strategies Instruction's tips for improving your time management. Listen to JMU students talk about the balancing everything...
“If you want to achieve academically, learn how to balance having fun and doing your work.  You’ve got to make sacrifices a lot of times.”

Study Spaces

Don’t study in your dorm room. Seriously, how can you study when Facebook/Twitter, video games, TV, friends, your bed, and everything else is there tempting you not to study? Find places around campus that support your ability to focus on your studies.
You will also find nooks and crannies in many buildings you have classes in around campus, such as the 2nd and 3rd floors of HHS. The bottom line... almost anywhere can be a more effective study space than your room!

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Diversity at JMU

At JMU, we believe in celebrating difference and are committed to diversity and multiculturalism. We all have different stories and perspectives to share; college is a great time to explore and learn more about how your identity affects your story and others’ stories. You got a taste of this during the 1787 Orientation program, “We are JMU.”  Here’s a snippet from that program:

In addition to the clubs and organizations you saw at Student Organization Night and the opportunities that were addressed in a previous blog post, there are other programs and services to help you connect with fellow students and mentors and identify resources that may be helpful to you.

LGBT & Ally Education Program

1313 Student Success Center | M-F 9-5 | (540) 568-5428 | lgbta@jmu.edu | Twitter: @jmulgbt

This program works toward promoting James Madison University’s commitment to diversity through education, support, advocacy and the fostering of equity for all students, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity.  In addition to being a comfy place to hang out, there is a great resource library with texts to check out. Also, know that Madison Equality is a student organization on-campus that supports the LGBT community of JMU.

Center for Multicultural Student Services

Warren Hall 245 | M-F 8-5 | (540) 568-6636 | multicultural@jmu.edu | Twitter: @JMU_CMSS

This office celebrates diversity by heightening awareness and educating the JMU Community about cultural and ethnic diversity. CMSS provides cultural programming and awareness, leadership development, conference/retreat sponsorship, recruitment, retention, resources, student support and advocacy.

Religious Organizations & Campus Ministries

If you were involved in a religious or spiritual organization at home and want to continue that involvement in JMU/Harrisonburg, or, if you’re looking to find a new place to connect, spiritually, there are many opportunities available. Looking to worship or attend a service off campus? If you need a ride to a place of worship in the Harrisonburg area, HDPT provides a Sunday morning shuttle service from campus.

Interfaith Coalition
This organization facilitates a mutual understanding of any and all religions and world views, and promotes the positive civic engagement in the JMU and local communities.  Begin getting involved with the Interfaith Coalition by subscribing to the listserv for upcoming events and announcements.

Friday, September 5, 2014

Academic Help | Health Sciences

Get Help with Learning
I have been hearing from some of you that you’re beginning to feel the academic crunch.  Lots of reading and comprehension required, right?  Get help with your academics sooner rather than later!  Speak with your professor, create study groups with your classmates, and seek learning centers that will support you.  Here are some campus resources that support you with your academics:

Major and Career Interest in Health?
Are you considering majors within the Department of Health Sciences?  Academic programs within this department include Athletic Training; Dietetics; Health Services Administration; Health Sciences with a concentration in Health Assessment and Promotion; Health Studies; or Public Health.  The deadline to declare is September 15 so that you have access to courses required for the major during spring semester registration.  Please email me your availability so that we can schedule a meeting to discuss declaring if you’re considering any of these programs.

Withdrawing from JMU
Deciding to leave JMU is a big decision, and often times, a difficult one.  I’m not writing this because I want you to leave, but you may be thinking about it, and I want you to be informed.  If you choose you want to leave an officially withdraw from the university, you must communicate with a number of offices on campus to officially withdraw from the University.  Friday, September 12 is the last day to withdraw from the university with cancellation of tuition charges.  On the Office of the Registrar’s website, there is a checklist of things to do as you prepare to leave JMU, including letting me know, communicating with your RA to properly check-out of your room, and completing paperwork to officially drop your coursework.  As always, please let me know if you would like help navigating this process.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Event Calendars

What’s Happening on Campus?

Last week’s post described some of the many ways JMU students get involved in clubs, organizations, sports, and more. Finding outlets for you to explore interests, socialize, and gain experience outside the classroom can be very rewarding. Whether you signed up to join 5 clubs or 0 clubs at Student Org Night last week, JMU still has awesome events and opportunities for you to meet other people, relax, have fun, and strike a healthy academic/social balance.

Campus Events Calendar

This public events calendar is chock full of recitals, concerts, art exhibits, speakers, poetry readings, and more. Many of these events highlight the awesome things JMU students and faculty are doing. Use the navigation links on the right-hand side of the campus events calendar to narrow your search.

UPB Calendar

The University Program Board (UPB) is a student-run, student funded organization that works to offer a variety of educational and entertaining programs to complement your academic experience while bringing programs to educate and enlighten the JMU student body. Events offered include concerts, movies, speakers, comedians, novelty acts, Late Night Breakfast, and many more which are open to ALL students and are often FREE!

Athletics Calendar 

Showing off your school spirit and “purple pride” is also a great way to meet new people, share a common experience, and support your fellow student-athletes! With our first home football game and many other fall sports team events right around the corner, now is a great time to check out the Athletics Calendar and mark down the games and events you want to attend.  And the best part? Tickets are FREE to students! For more information and important policies, check out the student athletic tickets website. Get ready to throw some streamers and sing the fight song!

Student Employment

Looking for a little extra money? Want to gain some experience? The Student Work Experience Office can help you find a job on- or off-campus. Check out the Part-time Student Employment Job Fair on Tuesday, September 9 from 1:30-4:00 p.m. in the Festival Ballroom.