Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Make the Most of Your Madison Experience

Your Madison Experience, Now

For many of you, this next week is your first week having exams or large assignments due, so this can be a stressful time. As it’s been addressed in this blog, maintaining balance is important to keep at the forefront of your mind.  Academics come first (!), but it should not come so far in front that you pull an “all-nighter.”  Sleep and mental breaks are an important part of maintaining your physical and emotional health. This next week provides some great community engagement opportunities to take a break:

International Week
This year, the Office of International Programs International Week will take place from September 22 – 26 and the theme this year is "One World, Many Stories".  Opening festivities will take place on Monday, September 22 from 11 am – 3 pm with an international bazaar on The Commons.  You can enjoy various street vendors, a sampling of food, and other activities.  The international events throughout the week will include a debate event, a musical concert featuring JMU musicians, a study abroad fair, a photo contest, and a world cup soccer tournament.  See a full calendar of events online.

Your Future Madison Experience

Study Abroad Fair

Interested in going abroad?  Attend the Study Abroad Fair on Wednesday, September 24 from 11 am – 3 pm in the Festival Ballroom to learn about different study abroad programs, international internships, and scholarships available to you. The JMU list of programs goes on to include over 65 different programs in 30 different countries. JMU semester, short-term and graduate program directors and representatives will be available to share their experience and to answer your questions. In addition, you will also have the opportunity to speak and learn about programs from other universities and providers. The short-term program application deadline is November 1, 2014.

Also, check out these 10 stories that prove study abroad changes you in the  best possible way.