Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Student Employment

Working while in college can help you develop a number of skills that are transferable to life after JMU. Part-time jobs provide an opportunity for you to gain work experience, develop confidence and good work habits, and earn money for tuition and college expenses. In fact, studies show that students who work while in college have higher confidence levels and better time management skills than those who do not. While working part-time may be too much on your plate in your first semester, take a moment to at least consider the opportunity and learn what is available. Here are some questions to ask yourself if you’re considering student employment: 
  • Am I flexible and willing to make sacrifices? Am I open to cutting down on some of the things I like to do to fulfill my academic and work commitments?
  • How does my family feel about me working?
  • Do I make effective use of my time? In other words, can I fit in work, maintain my academics, and still get enough sleep?
  • Will the job be flexible around my life as a student?

On- and Off-Campus Employment

Looking for a part-time job? The Student Work Experience Center (SWEC) at JMU is an office dedicated to enhancing student learning by providing meaningful work experiences. They organize and maintain available part-time student employment opportunities. 

There are many different jobs available on campus, including working in academic departments, student services, dining, etc. The benefit about working on campus is that the jobs are student-friendly in terms of working around class schedule and workload. On-campus work will be designated FWS, (Federal Work Study), or IE (Institutional Employment). Any student can apply for IE positions; however, only eligible students may qualify for an FWS position as these are based on financial aid package.

The SWEC website also lists available part-time off-campus job openings, important resources, frequently asked questions, and much more. If you have other questions, contact the folks in SWEC at studentjobs@jmu.edu, visit them on the 5th floor of the Student Success Center or call 540/568-3269.

Need help creating your resume or writing a cover letter? Take a look at the resume and cover letter resources we have available at Career & Academic Planning. Or, better yet, attend a Resume Writing Workshop. Find the dates, times, and locations of all the workshops on the Career & Academic Planning Calendar.