Friday, August 8, 2014

JMU Honor Code

At James Madison University, and other institutions across the United States, we uphold an honor system as a university community. This Honor Code is outlined by JMU’s Honor Council. Some violations of the Honor Code include:
  • Giving false or misleading information regarding an academic matter.
  • Committing the act of plagiarism - the copying, writing, or presenting as one’s own the information, ideas, or phrasing of another person without proper acknowledgement of the true source.
  • Collaborating in an unauthorized manner with one or more other students on an examination or any work submitted for academic credit.
All incoming students are required to complete the JMU Honor Code Tutorial and Test. The intent of this requirement is in an effort to increase individual student awareness regarding the JMU Honor Code and Honor Council. Before you arrive at JMU, I strongly encourage you to complete this, because you are expected to uphold the Honor Code immediately. The official deadline to complete the Honor Code Tutorial and Test is October 1.

Upcoming Blog Post Topics

Double Posts Next Week!
Tuesday, August 12: This post will teach you how to obtain on-campus student employment.
Tuesday, August 12: This post will introduce you to campus offices and services that may be helpful in your transition related to your physical, mental, and spiritual wellness.

Friday, August 15: This post will provide an upperclass students' perspective on transitioning from High School to College as students reflect upon their own experience. It will also advise you on purchasing textbooks for fall semester classes.
Friday, August 15: This post will discuss information about the JMU Learning Centers and other resources to help in your academic success.