Friday, August 1, 2014

Open Enrollment

Beginning Monday, August 4, you can attempt to change your classes on MyMadison. Make sure you are enrolled in 14-16 credit hours for fall semester.

We strongly recommend you do not use the drop or add features if you are changing one class for another. Think about it... You see a class you want to enroll in has an open seat (GPSYC 160). So, you drop a class (e.g. GPSYC 101) so that you can add GPSYC 160. But, when you go to add GPSYC 160, the class is closed because someone else registered for the last seat. So then you go back to add the GPSYC 101 class you just dropped, but someone took that seat too! So now you cannot take GPSYC 101 or 160. Bummer! You can avoid this by using the swap feature. The swap feature doesn’t drop you out of a class unless you’re guaranteed to get into the other class. Watch this video about how to swap classes:

If you were on a waitlist and have not been given a seat in the class, then you will not be getting a seat. Therefore, make adjustments to your schedule to be in a total of 14-16 credit hours. If you have questions, please contact me (contact information in the right-hand column of this blog).

Remember as you make changes to your schedule, pay attention to the campus map and the Can I Get There On Time? map created by the Madison Advising Peers.

Also, each section of a class may have pre-requisites, restrictions, or requirements that aren't obvious from the search screen. Viewing the class details will show you more information about a specific section of a class.

Upcoming Dates & Deadlines

Monday, August 4: Open Enrollment begins for all JMU students.

Upcoming Blog Post Topics

Tuesday, August 5: This post will provide some housing information and roommate advice.
Friday, August 8: This post will introduce you to the JMU Honor Code and a required tutorial and test that all first-year JMU students complete at the beginning of their first semester.