Friday, August 1, 2014

Double-Check Your Schedule

You are responsible for assuring that you're taking the appropriate classes. The Undergraduate Catalog, Department websites, and your assigned academic advisor help guide your understanding of the appropriate classes you should be taking. The Information for Undeclared Students in the 1st Semester Preparation Modules provides lots of great information that you can refer back to for guidance. I recommend you re-watch the video for Undeclared students:
Double-check your schedule to be sure you are enrolled in:
  • 1-2 Cluster One courses. 
  • Classes that will double-count in General Education and majors that you are considering. 
  • Optional: IS 202: Career & Life Planning, a 1-credit elective that will help you with your decision about a major and career path.
  • 14-16 credit hours, total.
If you have questions, contact me!

Upcoming Dates & Deadlines

Monday, August 4: Open Enrollment opens for all JMU students

Upcoming Blog Post Topics

Tuesday, August 5: This post will provide some housing information and roommate advice.
Friday, August 8: This post will introduce you to the JMU Honor Code and a required tutorial and test that all first-year JMU students complete at the beginning of their first semester.