Remember to Take Care of Yourself.
In addition to the Five Tips to Help You Get Through the End of the Semester post a few weeks ago, one of the most important ways to reduce stress during this very busy time is to take care of yourself. Many students end up getting sick this time of year because they have neglected their own wellness.
Try to get enough sleep.
Some people can function well on three hours of sleep a night. Most cannot. You’ll do much better during exams if your mental state is good, and sleep is essential for this. Don’t overdo it on the caffeine, either! If you feel like you can’t manage your time well enough to be able to get the amount of sleep you’d like, check out the post on time management.
Try your best to eat well.
Your body needs to be nourished by real food—fruits, vegetables, protein, good carbs, and just plain water. Energy bars and caffeinated drinks are not enough. Try to sit down with friends for at least one real meal a day. Want dinner served to you but don't want to leave campus? Don’t forget about using your 3 punches at
Madison Grill. Good conversation and a change of scenery go a long way toward relieving the stress of sitting at a computer, the library, or working in a lab. And with all the awesome dining options on campus, take advantage of a delicious study break!
Get some exercise.
Vigorous physical activity can help you burn off your stress by giving you something else to focus on and relieving tension in your muscles. Endorphins are real: they make you feel better! Now is not the time to let up on your regular
UREC workout. Or, if you’re not a UREC regular, consider heading there for a little stress relief and study break. There are also plenty of fun
group fitness classes, opportunities for pick-up basketball games and so much more if the typical treadmill workout isn’t for you.
Build in healthy study breaks.
De-stress and take a study break at Late Night Breakfast (it's Disney's "Frozen" themed) on Thursday, December 4 from 10p to midnight is another great option for a study break - who doesn't love free food!? Or, if laughter is the best medicine for your stress relief, check out the last Funny Freakin’ Friday on Friday, December 5 at 8p in TDU. Last but not least,
Grafton movie this week is "Frozen" if that's more your style.