Friday, October 3, 2014

Prepare for Registration | Major & Career Exploration

Prepare for Registration

Remember, individual meetings start next week (based on your last name) to prepare you for registration! Email me your availability for your assigned week, as listed on the advising syllabus, as soon as possible.

When you come to the meeting, you will want to bring the items mentioned in your advising syllabus.To bring a written list of majors you have considered, as indicated, you will want to take some time to explore majors offered at JMU. This is because during our individual meeting, one of the things we will discuss is if there are any majors and/or careers you’re currently considering. There are tools you can utilize from the comfort of your room to help you explore your options. This brings us to our next...

Spotlight on Exploring Resources

Explore JMU Majors

To review all of the majors we offer at JMU, the Career Guide to JMU Majors can provide you a (1) detailed description of the major, (2) the broad field of study and specializations in the field, and (3) career options and potential employers for graduates with this academic program. If you’re interested in learning about admissions and progression requirements for majors, checkout the Major Snapshots. If you want to know what courses you would need to talk for a certain major, checkout the Undergraduate Catalog. Utilize these three resources to get a fuller picture of majors you can choose at JMU.
Write down your thoughts and questions about majors and career
to bring to meetings with your advisor!

Explore Careers

When you are looking at the Career Guide to JMU Majors, and you see a career that you don’t know what it is, utilize OOH and O*Net to learn more about careers. On OOH, you can search for descriptions of careers to identify necessary training and education, earnings, job prospects, work tasks, and work conditions. On O*Net, you can search for careers that fit with you personal characteristics, such as interests, values, and skills.

As with any of the topics posted on the blog, don't hesitate to contact me as you have questions and/or if you'd like to talk through your research!