Friday, October 31, 2014

Drop-In Hours | Online Classes

Drop-In Hours

Drop-in hours, also known as office hours, are times when you can drop-by the office without a scheduled appointment. Students are seen on a first-come, first-serve basis. Check-in at the front desk of Career & Academic Planning (3210 Student Success Center) during the following drop-in hours if you want to meet to talk about registration (or anything else!):

Monday (11/3): 2:30 - 4:30 p.m.
Tuesday (11/4): 1:30 - 3 p.m.

Online Classes

When you register for courses, you’ll probably see courses that are taught in an online environment or a hybrid environment (half in-class, half online).  The Breeze had a great article titled JMU offers more than 450 classes online, which provided student and faculty perspectives of online courses.

JMU provides a self-assessment tool to help you with their deciding whether to register for an online or hybrid course. Upon completion of the Student Readiness Self-Assessment, your scores along with recommendations will be displayed.

IS 202

Class sections and times for IS 202: Career & Life Planning are posted on MyMadison! During our registration preparation meetings, many of you planned on registering for IS 202 for spring semester. If open sections do not fit with your schedule, complete the IS 202 Override Request Form. Even if none of the sections (closed or open) fit with your schedule, please complete this form. There’s an option that “none of the sections fit with my schedule.” If we receive enough of a demand, we may open additional sections. If you need a refresher or you’re wondering what IS 202 is... watch this IS 202 video highlighting students and instructors: