Friday, August 15, 2014

Learning Centers and Accomodations

Learning Centers

Is there a class you’re a little nervous about?  In addition to meeting with your faculty during office hours for extra help, you can also get help from JMU Learning Centers!  Here are some campus resources that are here to support you with your academics.
While attending these centers don’t have designated times on your calendar, block out time yourself to intentionally seek support.  Don’t wait to get help until you’re having trouble in a class to get help.  Seek help early to confirm your understanding and recognize where you have confusion before it becomes a larger problem.

Learning Accommodations 

In High School, did your teachers frequently give you extra time for a test?  Have teachers commonly give you any other accommodation to help you demonstrate your learning better? If these accommodations have been informally given, it is important for you to understand that informal accommodations will not happen in college unless you have a diagnosed learning disability registered with the Office of Disabilities Services (ODS).  To potentially continue receiving accommodations that allow you to demonstrate your learning and knowledge of the material, I encourage you to seek out ODS for screening and referrals, because you will need appropriate documentation on file with ODS to receive accommodations at college.

Upcoming Blog Post Topics

Tuesday, August 19: This post will teach you about commuting on campus, dining options open before the first day of classes, and tips for Orientation!
Friday, August 22: This post will inform you about drop-in hours to see your advisor, change your class schedule, and how to prepare for the first day of class.