Friday, August 29, 2014

Add/Drop Deadline | Learning Strategies

Add/Drop Deadline

Tuesday, September 2 is the add/drop deadline; therefore, it’s your last opportunity to drop a class without receiving a “W” on your transcript or add a course without the Department Head’s signature.  As we discussed during the 1787 Group Advising Session, if you change courses on Monday or Tuesday, then you’ve already missed at least one week of class, so there will be a lot of work to make-up. We advise you carefully consider adjusting your schedule at this point.

Drop-In Hours

Check-in at the front desk of Career & Academic Planning (3rd floor of the Student Success Center) during the following drop-in hours if you want to meet with your advisor, especially regarding adjusting your course schedule:

Sarah Orem's Office Hours

Monday (9/1): 2:00 - 4:00 p.m.
Tuesday (9/2): 9:00 - 11:00 a.m.

Wednesday, September 3, I will begin scheduling appointments. Thank you for all of the very professional emails you have sent listing your availability over the next few business days.

Learning Strategies Instruction

Learning Strategies Instruction (LSI) offers tips, resources, and strategies designed to increase student success through individualized, student-centered academic coaching. They provide FREE individual appointments to develop customized plans, workshops, and online tips about topics including:
  • Time Management
  • Test Taking
  • Note Taking
  • Memorization
  • Reading Comprehension
  • and more...
LSI isn't tutoring; they provide tips and tools to help you adjust and succeed throughout your time at JMU (and beyond)! To set up an appointment, contact, call 540/568-6705 or visit their office on the 1st floor of the Student Success Center.

Graduation Club

“I learned a lot and my GPA proves it.  I did so well first semester that I was even offered a chance to be in JMU’s honor program.  I know I wouldn’t [have] done nearly as well as I did if I hadn’t attended [your] class.” ~ Graduation Club participant

Graduation Club is an opportunity where course instructors will help you learn how to remain motivated and get the most out of your study time!  The following areas will be discussed:
  • Setting Goals and Staying Motivated
  • Learning Styles
  • Reading those BIG textbooks
  • Lecture Note Taking
  • Time and Stress Management
  • Test-Taking Strategies
  • Study Skills
  • Interacting with Professors
Talk with your RA to sign up.

Conversation Partners

Are you interested in learning about another culture?  Are you interested in continuing your foreign language skills (second language not required)?  If so, join the Conversation Partner Program.  The program is designed to:
  • pair international U.S. individuals
  • engage in weekly conversations
  • share and learn about each other’s culture
  • practice conversation skills in English or a foreign language
  • host monthly activities for partners
For more information and to complete an application, checkout the Conversation Partner Program website. You can also attend the kickoff event on Thursday, September 4 at 7:00 p.m. in the Highlands Room in the Festival Conference and Student Center.